Thursday, May 12, 2011


April was a very busy month for us. We had several family members birthdays and celebrations, we enjoyed a fun Easter, we went on a family vacation (I'll post about it in a separate post), we sold our truck and bought Tim's grandpa's old truck (which is in much better condition than ours was), and we were able to visit my sister in Syracuse a couple of times in April.

Daniel and Chloe love playing together...I LOVE IT!


FHE Temple trip visit

Daniel LOVES bagpipes, and invented his own bagpipe.

Chloe's 7 month picture.

Hanging out with my sister. It was fun to visit them a couple of times in April, because we don't get to just hang out with them very often, and the boys enjoyed playing together.

Easter egg hunt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your kids are so big and TOO cute! I love the little homemade bagpipes, adorable.